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Call for Sponsorship

Call for Sponsorship

On behalf of the Organising Committee of the 47th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2025), we invite you to participate in the conference as a sponsor. ECIR is a top-tier international Information Retrieval (IR) conference for academia and industry, with a strong focus on the active participation of early-career researchers. It is recognised as the premier European gathering place for current and future IR leaders and innovators. ECIR aims to foster communication and knowledge transfer between researchers and practitioners and promote IR methods and technologies in search, recommender systems, and artificial Intelligence (AI).

ECIR 2025 will take place in the beautiful city of Lucca in Tuscany, Italy, and will offer various sponsorship opportunities suitable for organisations of all sizes. ECIR’s sponsors contribute towards the success of the conference, whilst gaining visibility among top international researchers and PhD students. Your financial support will ensure that the costs of the conference remain accessible for students, and will improve the quality of the conference experience for all attendees. Moreover, as a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to showcase your company, get access to, and potentially recruit excellent candidates in the broad areas of IR, RecSys, and AI.

We offer four levels of sponsorship at ECIR 2025, with the following benefits. While these packages aim to accommodate the various needs of different sponsors, we acknowledge that they would not capture all the needs. We are happy to work with individual sponsors to determine what is most relevant to them and incorporate it into a tailor-made package.

Sponsorship packages





Listing on ECIR 2025 website (logo and link)
Logo in conference program
Logo on sponsorship board within registration area
Opportunity to contact opted-in participants before conference
Items in conference bag 4 3 2 1
Conference passport registrations 5 3 1
Discount on additional registrations 5 3 1
Prime logo placement on event videos/slides
Advertising by stage and photos in conference social media
Promotion slide during main conference
Naming an event (reception, banquet, ..)
Access to meeting rooms
Award ceremony
Cost €7,000 €5,000 €2,000 €1,000
In addition, sponsors may want to contribute to one or more of the following activities, in which cases, the sponsor name is prominently acknowledged in connection with the activity


Estimated value

Travel Support: Support travel expenses of PhD Students for doctoral consortium.  €500/student
Accommodation Support: Accommodation travel expenses of PhD Students for doctoral consortium.  €500/student
Sponsored talk at the main conference or the industry day including promoting the talk via email and social media flexible
Sponsored virtual talk before the conference including promoting the talk via email and social media flexible
In-kind sponsorships that directly cover the costs of the conference flexible

Sponsorship Chairs

  • Dyaa Albakour (Signal AI)
  • Edgar Meij (Bloomberg)
  • Contact: ecir2025-sponsorship AT