Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers
The Doctoral Consortium (DC) at ECIR 2025 will provide a forum for PhD students in the field of Information Retrieval to present their research and thesis proposal to world-class senior researchers from academia and industry. Students will receive feedback on their work and have the opportunity to engage in detailed discussions with advisors through individual sessions. The DC also gives students an opportunity to meet and share their experiences of PhD research with other students at a similar stage of their studies.
We welcome submissions on any topic relevant to the general field of information retrieval, including those mentioned in the Call for Full papers for ECIR 2025. Example topics of interest include — but are not limited to — theory, experimentation, practice, applications and societal impacts of retrieval, recommendation, representation, management, and usage of textual, visual, audio, and multi-modal information.
Prospective Candidates for the Doctoral Consortium
Students who have recently completed their research proposal, or are about to do so (typically 2nd year PhD students) are welcome to submit their contribution to the consortium. Students will be selected based on the likely benefit to the student of participating in the DC at this point in their studies and on the potential of their research for future impact on the field of Information Retrieval.
Submission Guidelines
All candidates planning a submission must submit a preliminary Abstract by November 3, 2024, as a single page of LNCS-formatted text that indicates:
- The name and institutional affiliation(s) of the candidate,
- The (tentative) title of the final proposal,
- A brief abstract describing the proposal, of up to 250 words.
The Abstract will be used to select potential mentors who will be asked to provide feedback on the main submission.
The main DC submission is required one week later (November 10, 2024). It may contain previously published material, as well as ongoing work. This submission must have two parts.
- A research statement, which should be no more than four (4) pages long (excluding references). Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. It will be the basis for detailed discussions at the Consortium, and should include:
- Motivation for the proposed research,
- Background and related work (including key references),
- Description of the proposed research, including main research questions,
- Research methodology and proposed experiments (where appropriate), and
- Specific research issues for discussion at the Doctoral Consortium.
- A one (1) page description of benefits to their PhD studies that the student expects to obtain by attending the DC. This should be added as an appendix to the research statement and must include:
- A statement by the student saying why they want to attend the Consortium.
- A brief statement (one paragraph) by their advisor saying how the student would benefit by attending the DC. Advisors should also specifically state whether the student has written, or is close to completing, a thesis proposal (or equivalent), and when they expect the student to defend their dissertation if they progress at a typical rate.
Format Requirements
All submissions must be written in English following the ECIR guidelines and the LNCS author guidelines and submitted electronically through the conference submission system ( and selecting the Doctoral Consortium track. The first page must contain the title of the paper, full author name, affiliation(s) and contact details, and an abstract of up to 250 words.
Accepted Papers
Students accepted to the Consortium will have the option of publishing a 4-page extended abstract summarizing their research in the full ECIR conference proceedings.
Ethics and Professional Conduct
ECIR 2025 expects authors (as well as the PC, and the organising committee) to adhere to accepted standards on ethics and professionalism in our community, namely:
- The ACM’s Policy on Authorship,
- The ACM’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct,
- The ACM’s Conflict of Interest Policy,
- The ACM’s Policy on Plagiarism, Misrepresentation, and Falsification,
- The ACM’s Policy Against Harassment.
Doctoral Consortium Track Dates
- Doctoral consortium abstract submission: November 3, 2024, 11:59pm (AoE)
- Doctoral consortium paper submission: November 10, 2024, 11:59pm (AoE)
- Doctoral consortium paper notification: December 16, 2024
- Doctoral consortium day: April 06, 2025
Doctoral Consortium Track Chairs
- Marinella Petrocchi (IIT-CNR, Pisa, Italy)
- Gabriele Tolomei (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Contact: ecir2025-dc AT